When will Adam Gase cease to be the head coach of the New York Jets?

Started Oct 21, 2020 01:06PM UTC
Closed Feb 10, 2021 04:02AM UTC
2020   2021  

After an 0-6 start, New York Jets head coach Adam Gase is rumored to be the next head coach to be fired.

When will he cease to be head coach of the New York Jets?

Resolution will be determined by the time of an announcement by the New York Jets detailing that he is no longer head coach.

Possible Answer Correct? Final Crowd Forecast
Before November 2020 13%
November 2020 34%
December 2020 18%
January 2021 23%
February 2021 7%
Not before March 2021 6%

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Average for questions older than 6 months: 5
Number of Forecasts 2
Average for questions older than 6 months: 8
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