How many QBs will start both the first and final games of the 2020 regular season for the same team?

Started Aug 17, 2020 10:35PM UTC
Closed Jan 03, 2021 06:00AM UTC

In the 2019 season, 24 of the 32 quarterbacks who started the first regular game of the season for their team also started for the team's last regular game of the season. 4 did not start the final game due to mid-season injuries, 3 did not due to being replaced midseason, and 1 was rested for the final game of the season.

How many QBs will start both the first and final games of the 2020 regular season for the same team?

This question closing date will be extended to cover any delay of regular season games due to COVID-19 or otherwise. If the season is cancelled early, the last regular season game will be the last game that the team will have played before the cancellation was announced. If the season is cancelled prior to any games being played, this question will be voided.

Possible Answer Correct? Final Crowd Forecast
15 or fewer 6%
16 to 25 57%
26 to 31 37%
32 1%

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Number of Forecasters 6
Average for questions older than 6 months: 5
Number of Forecasts 8
Average for questions older than 6 months: 8
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