How many total fans will attend NFL regular season games in person in 2020?

Started Jul 31, 2020 01:47AM UTC
Closed Jan 05, 2021 01:13AM UTC

According to ESPN, 16.89 million fans attended home games in the 2019 regular season. For the 2020 regular season, the NFL is allowing each team to set their own attendance capacity to account for state-by-state COVID-19 regulations, although the NFL might ask fans to sign a coronavirus liability waiver to attend.

How many total fans will attend homes games in the 2020 regular season? This question will resolve based on the sum of the "Home" "Total" column on this table when the "Season:" filter is set to "2020". The closing date of this question will extend as needed to include any delayed 2020 regular season games.

Possible Answer Correct? Final Crowd Forecast
500,000 or fewer 17%
More than 500,000 but less than 1 million 31%
Between 1 million and 5 million, inclusive 31%
More than 5 million but less than 10 million 16%
10 million or more 4%

Crowd Forecast Profile

Participation Level
Number of Forecasters 7
Average for questions older than 6 months: 5
Number of Forecasts 10
Average for questions older than 6 months: 8
There are not enough forecasters in this question to generate an accuracy profile.

Most Accurate

Relative Brier Score


Consensus Trend

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